Categories: Autos

Now is the Time to Undercoat Your Vehicle

undercoating, undercoating in a can, psc

Purchasing a vehicle is a huge investment. Whether it’s a light passenger car or a heavy duty commercial truck, you want to get the most out of your purchase. Since the average life expectancy of light passenger vehicles is actually rising, you likely want your car to look just as it performs—and that’s good and well.

Another thing to consider if you want the maximum life expectancy for your vehicle is the maintenance of parts and materials. As the length of time people keep their cars increases, the market for aftermarket parts grows, too. The older your car, the more likely components are to break. Or if you’re in an area like Northeastern Pennsylvania, the more likely you’ll experience that dreaded rust.

Prevention is cheaper than a cure.

Once rust forms, it never really stops. That’s why when it comes to your precious vehicle, the best “cure” is preventative treatment. The best way of dealing with rust is never having to deal with it at all.

You may be thinking, well, that’s easier said than done.

Yes and no.

Yes, rust can be inevitable. If you live in a region where winter means snow, you’re going to see rust on your undercarriage. In the winter, the Department of Transportation and local municipalities treat the roads with magnesium chloride brine before it even snows. While this protects the road from dangerous ice, it also gets onto your vehicle and is extremely aggressive and corrosive. Aggressive brine plus your unprotected undercarriage does not make a very good experience for your car.

This problem is incredibly pervasive. While some vehicle parts would typically get around ten years of protection, these same parts are now seeing rust in a fraction of that time—around 12-18 MONTHS.

So, what can you do about this problem?

The best solution is to use a preventative coating to protect your vehicle from rust in the first place. But if you’re experiencing rust already, don’t fret—you can still take action to prevent further spread.

Undercoating in a Can: The Industry Standard at Your Fingertips

Undercoating in a Can is the premier wax-based undercoat that stops corrosion in its tracks—and prevents it from starting in the first place. This industrial-strength, solvent-based wax formula adheres to both metal and wood surfaces. It effectively seals off oxygen but still allows moisture to evaporate through the sprayed film during the curing process.

Maybe you’ve tried other undercoatings and weren’t impressed with the results. A quick search of aerosol undercoatings can be divisive—but just remember: not all undercoatings are created equal. If you’ve used rubberized coatings on your undercarriage and were (unhappily) surprised to find rust spread, air and moisture likely seeped through the coating and exasperated your problem.

But Undercoating in a Can is different. Unlike rubber and oil-based coatings that do nothing to actually stop the spread of rust and corrosion, solvent-based waxes can. The film’s paraffin content provides exceptional adhesion to metal (and wood!) surfaces and the tacky wax doesn’t get brittle when the temperature changes. In fact, the film’s flexibility is one of its greatest strengths.

How—and When—to Undercoat

Undercoating your own vehicle or fleet is easy. At PSC, we offer Undercoating in a Can in a variety of sizes to accommodate your needs. Whether you just need a few cans to protect your ATV, or else you require a 54-gallon drum to get your fleet in tip-top shape, we’ve got you covered (literally).

You can undercoat your vehicle at any time regardless of rust. Prior to coating, knock away all dirt, grime, and loose rust using a power washer, sandblaster, or even a garden hose. If you can use a degreaser, that’s even better to remove any residual oil (we recommend using industrial strength Purple Power).

If you chose not to go with our original aerosol can (available individually or in cases of 12 and 24 with trigger handle), you can now find the same formula in 1 pint, 1 quart, and 1-gallon cans; 5-gallon pails; 16-gallon kegs; and 54-gallon drums. Our state-of-the-art QUIKCOAT Precision Sprayer is also available for applying larger product sizes with the same convenience and flow characteristics of the original aerosol can.

Typically, a 5-gallon pail can treat an average of 2-3 vehicles. Using the QUIKCOAT sprayer takes about 1-hour. Life expectancy for Undercoating in a Can applications is 7 years—an investment well worth extending the life of both your vehicle and its parts.

All throughout the state and across the country, vehicles are plagued with surface rust, brake line rust, fuel line rust, and more. Break the corrosion cycle by properly protecting your vehicle.

For the best vehicle protection around, Shop Undercoating in a Can at PSC today!

Sarah Simonovich :Sarah is a content writer and social media assistant with a BA in literature/creative writing from Wilkes University. As a self-proclaimed creator, Sarah approaches the industrial world with creativity at the forefront. She is fascinated by how the world moves and the underlying components which allow everything to function properly. Outside of work she enjoys spending time writing short stories, drawing, and hiking with her dog. Her motto in life is nothing has to be boring.