The Superbowl Ad You May Have Missed

Millions of viewers were glued to their televisions on February 1 when the New England Patriots faced off against the Seattle Seahawks in Superbowl XLIX. The Superbowl is usually known for a great game, great halftime show, and great advertisements. However, out of the millions of eyes that were watching TV that Sunday, many missed an important halftime commercial showing off America as the #1 natural gas producer in the world.

The American Petroleum Institute launched a 30 second ad campaign that was only broadcast in the Washington D.C. area. With a price tag of $100,000, the commercial is the biggest television spot ever commissioned by the Institute. Since early January, the group has been running pro-Keystone pipeline ads in the D.C. market that demonstrate the bipartisan support and potential for job growth in the project; a venture that’s been stalled for years due to lack of congressional decision making.

Watch the advertisement from API’s YouTube channel below:

Matthew Blockus :