During WWII, Queen Elizabeth II Was a Truck Mechanic

My recent binging of the Netflix original series, The Crown, has led to a fascination with the royal family’s history.…

A Look at Some of History’s Most Toxic Colors

Can you paint with all the colors of history? No, because a lot of them are just too toxic. Unless…

The U.S. Wanted to Use Bat Bombs to Fight the Japanese in World War II

I can only imagine what was going through Lytle S. Adams’ mind when, upon hearing news of the Japanese attack…

A Brief History of Canned Food and How it Changed the Industry

Because we can, can, can Yes we can, can, can, can Can, can, can, can, can --Fatboy Slim Prior to…

Oil: Bowling’s Slick, Invisible Superhero

Bowling Lanes and Oil Go Hand-in-Hand. The first time you went bowling, you may have noticed the ball slide down…

Falling in Love with the Rocket: Happy Birthday, Gravity’s Rainbow

While the Western world gathered ‘round their televisions last night to find out whether Leonardo DiCaprio would finally get the…

Petrochemicals: Clearing the Name of Petroleum One Product at a Time

Planet Earth runs on Petrol It's no exaggeration to say that the world runs on petroleum—and no, I don’t just mean…

The History Behind Operation PLUTO

Oil pipelines remain as one of the hot topics in today's U.S. governmental talks. Currently, our leaders are debating the…