Tag: petroleum product of the week

Petroleum Product of the Week: Sunglasses

In the summer, you want to look super shady, right? Uhh… Everyone knows that the best way to look (and…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Easter

When it comes to traditions, there is no holiday more colorful than Easter. Between the brightly dyed eggs, baskets full of…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Bicycles

As the weather warms, it’s time to bring out our bicycles and get back to riding! There’s nothing—to me—that’s more…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Mattresses

Side sleeper pillows, Egyptian cotton sheet sets, memory foam topper, down comforter, your significant other… of all the times you’ve…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Light Bulbs

About two weeks after we sprung our clocks ahead for an extra hour of daylight we celebrate “Earth Hour.” On March…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Photographic Film

Before digital cameras (and subsequent camera phones) became common to the public, taking a photo wasn't as easy as point-and-shoot.…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Christmas Lights

'Tis the season for all things seasonal.  No, seriously...are you tired of listening to Christmas music at work, in your…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Aspirin

It seems pretty safe to say that November has been a month of headaches for a lot of people. And if…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Telescopes

This month is going to be an amazing month for stargazing. Between the Taurid Meteor Shower on the 11th, the…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Halloween Edition

When you think of Halloween, you’re probably not thinking of petroleum. You think of candy, right? And costumes. All the…