Tag: natural gas

Petroleum Product of the Week: Formaldehyde

If you've ever had to dissect something in a science class, you can probably recall that awful smell that filled…

Someday Your Toilet Might Be a Viable Source of Alternative Energy

Toilet. Loo. Porcelain throne. The Oval Office. Whatever you call it, how often do you really think about your toilet?…

Will Trump’s Presidency Change the Rankings of Top Oil Producers?

Last June, the United States overtook Russia and became the world’s largest oil and natural-gas producing country. However, Russia recently…

The Consequences of Global Energy Poverty

"Access to energy is fundamental to improving quality of life and is a key imperative for economic development."   Living…

Petrochemicals: Clearing the Name of Petroleum One Product at a Time

Planet Earth runs on Petrol It's no exaggeration to say that the world runs on petroleum—and no, I don’t just mean…

How Much Warmer Would Earth Be If We Used Up All Our Fossil Fuels?

When the words "climate change" of "global warming" get brought up in the news or political debate, there is usually…

Russia and China Sign Major Natural Gas Deal

Russia and China have just signed a deal that calls for Russia to export 38 billion cubic meters of gas…

How Fracking Saved the U.S. Economy

The fracking revolution has been critical for the rebound that the United States has seen in its economy. Over the…

Beans Behind the Scenes – When Small Farms Meet Big Oil

For a controversial practice such as fracking, it might seem a bit odd to think that beans are partially responsible…