Tag: Lubricants

Semi-Synthetic Passenger Car Engine Oils

With Semi-Synthetic Passenger Car Engine Oils, also known as Synthetic Blend Engine Oils, the name really says it all. Sometimes,…

What Does Grease Color Mean and How Does it Affect Lubrication?

Greases are solid or semi-solid lubricants generally composed of oil(s) thickened with soap (or other thickeners). These high-viscosity lubricants are…

Understanding Types of Lubricants: Grease

Choosing the Right Grease When it comes to your vehicle, your industrial manufacturing equipment, and even your airplane, lubricants are…

Why Lubricant Additives are Important

There’s a reason why additives are added to your lubricating oil—in fact, there are plenty of reasons, all of which…

The Ins and Outs of Oil Storage: What is the Shelf Life of Oil?

If you frequently purchase oil drums for your business or quarts to maintain an engine, you may often ask-- how…

How Do You Lubricate a 10,000 Year Clock?

Time flies when you’re busy contemplating the next ten millennia... Time. It's on your side. It's changing. It's not in…

Oil Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: New Diesel and Gasoline Engine Oil Specifications

Selecting the right oil for your vehicle is critical in ensuring it remains a smooth-running and well-oiled machine. And just…

Understanding Types of Lubricants: Base Oil Groups

Lubricants are primarily used to reduce the friction between two surfaces in mutual contact; in reducing friction, they also help reduce…

Know Your Food Grade Lubricants

Lubricants play an important role in keeping the food service industry running smoothly and safely. Any packaged food you consume…

Is It Possible for Santa to Run a Toy Factory in the North Pole?

Though the exact location of his infamous house and workshop is unknown (I imagine it’s to avoid the paparazzi and…