Tag: future

Steam and STEAM: How We Can Power the Next Industrial Revolution

History repeats itself, they say. And they, of course, often attribute this to the mistakes we make. Humans like to…

Number 86 — PSC celebrates its incorporation on St. Patrick’s Day

March 17 is a day of cultural and religious celebration for the Feast of Saint Patrick. And while individuals across…

Reinventing the Wheel: Innovative Concept Tire Designs

Long gone are the days where human transportation was limited to, say, a Conestoga wagon pulled by a team of…

Think trips to the Gas Pump are too Inconvenient? Now there’s an App for That.

So chances are you’ve been here at some point in your life: you’re driving to work, already running late due…

The Self-Healing Airplanes of the Future

In the future, airplanes will fix themselves mid-flight. At least, that’s according to a CNN article about a Bristol University…

Google’s Driverless Car to Possibly Add External Airbag

Driverless cars are slowly but surely becoming a reality. Just last week, Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk announced that the…

The Machine That Converts Plastic Into Oil

For years, one Japanese man has been hard at work creating a machine that will convert one of our society's…