Tag: Crude Oil

What in Tarnation are the La Brea Tar Pits?

Where else can you find a Dire Wolf outside of Westeros? California, of course. If you ever find yourself cruising…

Ever Wonder How Oil Refineries Work?

How does that black, gooey stuff that comes out of the ground turn into the clear, easy-flowing liquid that fuels…

Someday Your Toilet Might Be a Viable Source of Alternative Energy

Toilet. Loo. Porcelain throne. The Oval Office. Whatever you call it, how often do you really think about your toilet?…

Petrochemicals: Clearing the Name of Petroleum One Product at a Time

Planet Earth runs on Petrol It's no exaggeration to say that the world runs on petroleum—and no, I don’t just mean…

Black Oil: How THE X-FILES Made Petroleum Spooky

"Are you familiar with the so-called X-Files?" Sunday (January 24) marked the return of The X-Files, a science-fiction, horror, procedural…

The Anatomy Of A Product Tanker

You may be familiar with a crude tanker, the massive ships that transport crude oil to refineries, but have you…

Drilling For The Same Oil Continents Away

Today in the arena of oil exploration companies are facing new geopolitical circumstances with the incredible knowledge that because of…

What Products Are Produced From a Barrel Of Crude Oil?

Have you ever wondered what a barrel of crude oil can produce? A barrel contains a total of 42 gallons…

Petroleum Based Ink: Crude In Your Pen?

Petroleum was once included in ink and was both fast drying and dependable. Changing oil prices and regulations pushed manufacturers…

The Hard Facts On A Barrel Of Crude Oil

Have you ever thought about that elusive "barrel of crude oil”? What is it and what does it represent? How…