Tag: car tips

DIY: A Guide on How to Change Your Vehicle’s Engine Oil

DIY oil change In the debate of changing your own oil versus going to the shop to have it done,…

5 Tips To Save Your Car From Winter Havoc

  The winter season can wreck havoc on one of your most prized possessions: your car. To protect your vehicle…

What Is Dexos1?

Many have asked this question and in this article, we hope to get you an answer. What is dexos 1?…

The Magic Trick To Find Out What Side Your Fuel Tank Is On

Have you ever filled up someone else's car with gas and pulled up to the pump only to have selected…

Windows Up Or Windows Down?

It is a commonly debated topic as to whether or not your fuel efficiency is improved with the windows down…

Fuel Treatment: The Key To Protecting Your Engine From Ethanol Damage

As with most motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, boats, lawnmowers, snow blowers, and weed whackers, we usually just check the fluid levels,…

Manual VS. Automatic On Fuel Economy

The trend among American drivers is that around 94% purchase vehicles with automatic transmissions as apposed to Asia and Europe,…