Tag: Boeing

Falling in Love with the Rocket: Happy Birthday, Gravity’s Rainbow

While the Western world gathered ‘round their televisions last night to find out whether Leonardo DiCaprio would finally get the…

Recycled Planes: Cool Ways Decommissioned Aircraft Have Really Taken Off

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Planes Aircraft innovation continues to trend throughout media outlets, whether it’s the detachable cabin concept we talked…

Boeing 747 vs. SR-71 Blackbird vs. New Horizons Deep-Space Probe

Commercial airliners are fast. A Boeing 747 can hit speeds of up to 550 mph. Spy jets like an SR-71…

World’s Longest Nonstop Flight Announced for 2016

The world’s longest nonstop flight has been superseded by an even longer trip: an 8,580 mile journey lasting 17 hours…

World’s Current Largest Aircraft Prepares For First Flight

The manufacturer of the world's current largest aircraft, the Airlander 10, is closer to getting its lofty project off the…

Art Meets Aviation: The 747 Project

The annual Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada is a haven for some of the most creative individuals…