Categories: Culture

A Video Message From Our President

Announcing our red brick studio at PSC

Here at Petroleum Service Company, we’re proud to say that we have recently been making a lot of changes—first with the relaunch of our new site, and now with the introduction of our new red brick studio.

You might be wondering: why would a petroleum company need an in-house studio?

To best answer this, you really only need to understand that we take the service aspect of Petroleum Service Company very seriously: not only do we aim to create a seamless and easy product experience for our customers, but we have also made it our purpose to educate and connect with all levels of the petroleum industry. Our goal? To be a reliable authority on all things petroleum.

This is where our red brick studio comes into play.

Red Brick (& Mortar)

As our company continues to expand into the wild west of e-commerce petroleum sales, we want to further highlight the aspects of our business that have been around since 1930—namely our presence as a brick and mortar entity in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Our red brick studio represents the unity of tradition and change; the fusion of modern technology and rich history.   

We spared no expense in creating a professionally-lit, state-of-the-art studio as a platform to offer our perspectives and to share our knowledge of the industry.

Moving forward, we will be using this studio to produce informational (and entertaining) videos on varying aspects of this industry and our business.

Jim Lewis, PSC’s very own resident product guru, will help break down the complex field of industrial lubricants in his own series.

David Thompson has spent his entire professional life immersed in the world of industrial coatings, and he will also be stopping by to share his knowledge.

And while The Joe and John show videos are shot on location, this entertainment aspect is just as important to all of us at PSC, as Joe and John highlight the fun side of the industry.

Petroleum Service Company president and CEO Rick Rose will also be making more appearances in the studio, especially for big announcements.

All of us at Petroleum Service Company are especially proud of this studio as it emphasizes not only our dedication to educational outreach, but also our commitment to progress. No other petroleum company does what we do; no one else in this industry works as hard as we do to move into the future.

So if you’re still wondering what a digital media studio has to do with PSC, the answer is everything.

Check out our new look over at petroleumservicecompany.com

Sarah Simonovich :Sarah is a content writer and social media assistant with a BA in literature/creative writing from Wilkes University. As a self-proclaimed creator, Sarah approaches the industrial world with creativity at the forefront. She is fascinated by how the world moves and the underlying components which allow everything to function properly. Outside of work she enjoys spending time writing short stories, drawing, and hiking with her dog. Her motto in life is nothing has to be boring.