Categories: Aviation

Celebrating Women In Aviation

Amelia Earhart getting ready for a flight.

Have you ever heard of the Ninety-Nines? They are the international organization of women pilots. This wonderful non-profit has helped harness the power of women in aviation for over 80 years. The group came into existence on Long Island in 1929 when all 117 female American pilots were invited to assemble in support of the advancement of aviation. The Ninety-Nines really hit their stride in 1931 when Amelia Earhart became the first president and the groups official name was formed representing the 99 charter members. Since that time just about every female aviator, technician, and mechanic of achievement has been a member.

A part of the groups mission statement is to preserve the unique history of women in aviation. There are numerous pages on their website rich with history from an anthology of women in aviation to the story of how the group began. The Ninety-Nines were also very instrumental in the restoration of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum, which is a must see if you are ever passing by Atchison, Kansas (click here for details). This is a great group to support and learn more about as they continue to advance women in aviation with scholarships and camaraderie.

To learn more about the Ninety-Nines visit their site @ www.ninety-nines.org

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Matthew Blockus :