Category: Petroleum Product of the Week

Petroleum Product of the Week: Candy Canes

They come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. Chances are, if you’ve attended any Christmas parties, you already have…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Wrapping Paper

Over 500 years ago, Gutenberg’s printing press surfaced as one of the most groundbreaking inventions in human history. Books –…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Christmas Lights

'Tis the season for all things seasonal.  No, seriously...are you tired of listening to Christmas music at work, in your…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Artificial Christmas Trees

‘Tis the season to deck the halls with jingle bells and Christmas trees. Artificial trees are a part of Christmas…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Footballs

It’s a Thursday morning: ice cold, snow on the ground, and an extra-large coffee in my hands.  It’s Thanksgiving Day, and…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Aspirin

It seems pretty safe to say that November has been a month of headaches for a lot of people. And if…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Telescopes

This month is going to be an amazing month for stargazing. Between the Taurid Meteor Shower on the 11th, the…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Wind Turbines?

You never thought about it before, but you’re already starting to understand. The monstrosities that line countless mountain passes, rolling…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Halloween Edition

When you think of Halloween, you’re probably not thinking of petroleum. You think of candy, right? And costumes. All the…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Football Helmets

For the nearly $8 billion dollar business that is the NFL, so much of its yearly profit weighs heavily upon…