Category: Autos

A Brief History of Self-Serve Gas Stations

For many of us, we don’t really have to put too much thought into pumping our own gas. When our…

The Science Behind Tire Tread Patterns

You might have noticed that your tire's tread might not look like those on your friend’s car or your dad’s…

How Car Recycling Works

When it comes to reusing, most of us probably encounter recycling options for things like paper and plastic near daily.…

How Does Winter Affect Your Car’s Tires?

With winter comes all sorts of good stuff: sledding, snowball fights, cozy fires, and skiing are just a few perks.…

Should You Drive with Your Hands in the ’10 and 2′ Position?

When learning to drive, the instructor may have told you to place your hands at 10 and 2—your right hand…

How Does Cold Weather Affect Your Car Lubricants?

Just as cold, winter weather affects you (we typically don’t don down layers in the middle of July), so, too,…

All About Alcohol-Powered Racing Cars

Alcohol has been used as a means of fuel for a long time. Butanol, ethanol, methanol, and propanol can be…

5 things you should never do in an automatic car

Most of us know that there are a few things you should never do in a car with standard transmission,…

What is Engine Oil Analysis?

Engine oil analysis is a key component of regular maintenance routines. It’s a quick and efficient way to test the…

We Undercoated an RV and Here’s What We Learned

RV’s and motorhomes are frequently subject to harsh environments when going on outdoor adventures. We’ve previously discussed the importance of…