Author: Matthew Blockus

The History Behind Operation PLUTO

Oil pipelines remain as one of the hot topics in today's U.S. governmental talks. Currently, our leaders are debating the…

Thought-Controlled Drones Are Now A Reality

Robotics and neuroscience are two fields that tend to have groundbreaking new developments when something major is discovered. However, when…

Simple Ways to Monitor Lubricant Conditions

Inspections are commonly done on assets to ensure that everything is in good, working condition. It could be a thorough…

Art Meets Aviation: The 747 Project

The annual Burning Man festival in Black Rock City, Nevada is a haven for some of the most creative individuals…

Oil + Eyelashes = Maybelline?

One might find it hard to correlate the relationship between oil fields and make-up products. In a bizarre way though,…

The Machine That Converts Plastic Into Oil

For years, one Japanese man has been hard at work creating a machine that will convert one of our society's…

Top 10 Ways That Shot Peening Improves Quality

Shot peening is a great way to improve quality in your sandblasting application. It is used on metal parts that…

SAE Updates Classification System to Include SAE 8 and SAE 12

The Society of Automotive Engineers, better known as SAE, has published an update to their Engine Oil Viscosity Grade Classification…

The World’s Smallest Operational W-32 Engine

Visit any automotive garage in the world and ask the mechanics there if they like to assemble engines from scratch.…

The Slow Motion Oil Spill That You Can Help Stop

Almost every time you visit the gas station, it happens. In that split second between the pump shutting off and…