Author: Kayleigh DeMace

Kayleigh is a content writer with a BA in technical writing/literature and an MA in creative writing. A native of NEPA’s coal region, she is no stranger to the industrial world. When she’s not at work writing, she’s at home writing and reading, forever honing her craft and exercising her writing muscles. Her work has appeared on The Writing Cooperative and as an Honorable Mention in East Meets West American Writers Review.

What does AW Stand For?

When it comes to the different types of hydraulic oil, AW is one of the most commonly-used. But what, exactly,…

What you need to know about man made diamonds

They’ve always said diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they never specified whether or not that included man-made diamonds.…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Rubber Balloons

At parties, we sometimes see a mixture of structured foil balloons and softer rubber/latex balloons. The development of the balloon…

The History of the Dr. Marten Boot

I was recently on a train and saw an ad for Dr. Martens—also known as “Docs, ” “Doc Martens,” and…

Strike a Pose: Food Photography and Styling

In a world of social media and advertising, looks are everything—and I’m not just talking about people here. The way…

The History of RV Camping and How to Care for Yours

It’s finally camping season! We’re airing out our campers and tents and cleaning off our charcoal grills. While tents have…

Semi-Synthetic Passenger Car Engine Oils

With Semi-Synthetic Passenger Car Engine Oils, also known as Synthetic Blend Engine Oils, the name really says it all. Sometimes,…

What made Oregon gun sales double in the ‘80s?

And what does this have to do with Rolls Royces? Well, it all has to do with a man who…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Ball Pits

Some of my best childhood memories involve going to a nearby amusement park and playing in the kiddie park’s ball…

Nanotechnology: Tooth Sensor Tracks What You Eat

Health and wellness are at the forefront of many of our minds, day in and day out. A new form…