Author: JJ

Petroleum Product of the Week: Microphones

If you think about the magical capabilities of microphones for a moment, you may begin to realize just how spectacular…

The role of fossil fuels in Trump’s USA and the bottleneck of Renewable Energy

Fossil fuels are the driving force of the modern American economy as well as much of the developed world. This,…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Electric Guitars

Without the electric guitar, some of history’s greatest musicians and performers may have never been discovered. A well-made electric guitar…

America’s manufacturing sector can take a few tips from the Germans

A city upon a hill. A manufacturing powerhouse. An energy-efficient country; a country run on industry.  Germany: the richest nation in…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Cables

Researchers from the Semiconductor Industry Association have predicted that by 2040, there won’t be enough electricity to power the world’s…

What a Trump presidency could mean for the US automotive industry

On Tuesday morning, President Trump sat down with the respective CEOs of the United States' largest automobile manufacturing companies (General Motors,…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Punching Bags

No, Ronda Rousey’s face is not made from polyvinyl. Yet, many comparable (and non-animated) punching bags, such as the one pictured…

Petroleum Product of the Week: Wrapping Paper

Over 500 years ago, Gutenberg’s printing press surfaced as one of the most groundbreaking inventions in human history. Books –…

Nanomanufacturing | The Shrinking of an Entire Industry

 “Just how small is ‘nano?’” This question tops the list of the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s website, There are many…

CNG may be the new, preferred fuel for Fleet Owners

Commercial vehicle fleets are not all diesel-powered. Over the last few years, the diesel-dominated industry of fuels for fleet vehicles…