Author: Admin

Getting Your Oil Changed Is Big Business

Oil changes drive traffic through U.S. service bays and offer the best opportunity to cross-sell other services, according to market…

Petroleum Based Ink: Crude In Your Pen?

Petroleum was once included in ink and was both fast drying and dependable. Changing oil prices and regulations pushed manufacturers…

Diesel Fuel Additives… It’s a No-Brainer and Necessity For Your Engine

With the ever changing, environmental restraints that are being placed on the diesel engines and the fuel we all get…

WTI Oil Rises to One-Month High on Cyprus

If you're interested in how the debt crisis in Cyprus affected crude prices globally then read this article from Bloomberg…

The Birth of The Petroleum Industry Happend In The USA

Petroleum's full potential was not seriously explored until the mid 19th century, but Native American's were aware of oil seeps…

Important 1ST’s In Pennsylvania History

Pennsylvania has a long list of interesting firsts in US History and one that has had major implications on the…

Petroleum Service Company Born on Saint Patricks Day

Saint Patrick's Day is a special day at Petroleum Service Company. It was on March 17th, 1930 that John Stuchell…

Talk To Us: Staying Current In The Ever Changing Petroleum Marketplace

As we marvel at new technology and social media we also cannot lose sight of the advancement in fuel economy…

The Hard Facts On A Barrel Of Crude Oil

Have you ever thought about that elusive "barrel of crude oil”? What is it and what does it represent? How…

We Found The Hidden Gem of Gun Cleaners

As with every sport or hobby, we tend to make time in our life so we can fully enjoy the…